First Down Program
Ages 4 to 7
Game Details
The First Down Program consists of 8 fun-filled sessions with skills, drills and activities to help develop the fundamental movement skills for the healthy, physical development of children, all in a fun and exciting football environment.
Football Canada’s First Down Program helps get kids under the age of eight moving and active while having fun. The goal is to help develop their movement abilities and foster further participation in physical activity or sport.
The skills that the children develop are not specific to football, though they are taught in a football “environment”, and are designed to help guide these young athletes to develop as well-rounded athletes regardless of what their primary sport may be in the future.
No additional equipment is required.
Soccer cleats recommended - good outdoor runners work as well.
Sessions will be from 6:30 to 7:30 and run on Thursdays from August 17th until August 31st and then Tuesdays and Thursdays from September 5 until Sept 19th.
No playoffs. Just kids having fun!