Equipment Policy
The St Vital Mustangs provide most of the equipment required to play football. Once teams are formed, you will be notified by your coach or manager when your team is scheduled to be fit for equipment.
A deposit of $500 is required for equipment when you come for the fitting. This can be a valid credit card or a post-dated cheque dated Nov 1. This charge does not get processed. It is strictly a deposit and is returned to you when you return your equipment.
What the Mustangs Supply
Chin Strap
Shoulder Pads
Knee pads
Mouth guard
Game jersey
Game socks
What the Players Must Supply
Football cleats
Molded only
No screw in cleats
Click the link for Football Manitoba policy
Football girdle
Practice jersey
Optional Equipment That Players Supply
Custom mouth guard
For braces or molded
Custom chin strap
Off Season Equipment Rental Policy
Athletes requiring use of football equipment in the offseason will be required to pay a $200 equipment use fee. This amount will be deducted from the athlete’s registration fees upon registration for the upcoming season. If the athlete has not registered to play for the upcoming season, the equipment is due back by the Monday following registration weekend and the $200 fee will not be reimbursed.
An Equipment Rental form will be completed.
A $200 payment will be required.
A $500 equipment deposit will be required.
The white part of the Equipment Rental form will be retained by the club and given to the Director of Finance.
The yellow part of the form will be given to the player to present at Registration for their discount.
The Director of Finance will create a master list of those players that have paid the $200 equipment rental to be used at Registration as confirmation of payment.